Okay, so I started this blog because I found a lack of blogs written by older women. Blogs that are not about high fashion or cocktail parties or touring Europe(although we will touch on travel!). About the realities of those of us who are of baby boomer age and who find ourselves with more energy, more health and more money than our parents did.
I will be honest and say that my interests are as varied as my thoughts; therefore, expect blogs to be a little all over the place! However, I do have a list of of subjects that are important to me and we will be touching on all of these as often as possible. Please bear with me and maybe you will even like the variety! In no particular order:
My Faith
I am a devout Catholic and my Christianity colors my world, as does my church’s call to service in His name. My day job is Program Manager of a faith based social service agency called Hope House. I will do a whole blog on this wonderful place in the future, but in the meantime you can learn more by clicking on Hope House in the menu above. You won’t want to miss checking out those blogs–Hope House is a special place.
My Baby Boomer Status
It feels like this giant bubble of people I have moved through life with is again changing normal. As a 62 year old who still loves rock and roll; wears jeans almost every day and still has long hair, I am finding this digital world fascinating. So much energy and so much information all at the touch of a button! Yet, there will always be a yearning for the simpler past and all things contained there. So just look for crazy and unrelated posts around baby boomer “stuff”.
My Nana Status
Also, just general stuff about the love affair I have with my entire family! Expect posts from heartfelt memories to crafts by/for grandchildren to ideas on preserving your life memories for your family. Family reunions and traditions…..
Aging, Health and RA
Posts about staying healthy, both for those of us with chronic conditions and those who just want to stay healthy and active. I am definitely not an expert in this area, but I never stop trying! We will discuss and investigate such disparate subjects as healthy eating and what the heck is Medicare and when do I sign up for it? I’ll warn you in advance that I have taken the same Social Security class twice and am still confused…….
Crafts & DIY
While I am not the best crafter, crochet or DIY’er, I never stop trying and usually my projects come out okay. Maybe my attempts will reassure that you can do better, and inspire you to do more! I will also be including my adorable husband in my DIY posts because he is the ultimate re-modeler and we have almost completely changed our home, room by room, since the kids left. Wait until you see the beautiful pergola he designed and built!
Random Stuff
Not sure how to define this, but once in awhile, something will occur to me and I will want to blog on it. Sometimes this blog site will be my journal and I will be sending forth my stream of consciousness. Hang on to your seats it’s liable to be a wild ride!
Please let me know what you want to talk about–this is a conversation!