Waiting (impatiently, as usual) at a red light this morning, I noticed the bumper sticker on the car in front of me. It said “No Bad Days”.
Father Jay, one of my favorite priests, wrote the other day of being closer to the end of our lives than the beginning.
I turned 65 in April and have been traversing the mysteries of Medicare (!!!!!!). Rory and I are downsizing into a one story, smaller, but nicer home, and discussing what retirement looks like……
Notice a theme? I do, and I hope that I am paying enough attention to not waste a single, precious moment of the rest of my life. Because the truth is that there are no bad days! Any day we wake up in this world is a good day to be enjoyed and used to the fullest. At this point, retrospection sets in and I am wondering if I used all of the days of my life well enough. Did I make any difference in anyone’s life? Did I reach out to others enough, or was I selfish with my time and energy? What more could I have done if I had tried harder in various aspects of life?
So many questions, so little time. Because I am sure that God does not want me to waste more time questioning, but to live more in the moment, love more, worry less and accept life each day with joy! To become the best me I can be in the time I have left on this earth.
Trying to deserve the Grace in my amazing grace-filled life!