Just the two of us
Forty years ago today I walked down the aisle to meet the love of my life, my soulmate and my best friend at the altar. We had already made a commitment to each other for life, and this step was a joyful celebration with our loved ones of that commitment. The golden haired, blue eyed boy I loved then is still as handsome as then and eyes are still a beautiful blue. He wore jeans, boots and cowboy shirts that snapped up the front, probably a reflection of his time in Montana.
He still wears jeans and boots. He still loves me, he still takes care of me, he is still my safe place in the world.
Marriage is not easy. Anyone who has been married knows that. It is full of hills and valleys, highs and lows, love and anger. It is not speaking for days, it is holding hands, weeping together, worrying together and praying together . It is the awareness that this person knows you better than anyone else on earth does.
I’m not sure how we came to have such a firm grip on our life together. I came from a family with two parents who never considered divorce; Rory came from a family of step parents and step and half siblings. Together we formed a unit that refused to come apart no matter what. We have made it through some rough times, and when all is said and done, Rory is my best friend and the person I want to spend eternity with. We joke about going out together aka “The Notebook”, but the truth is that I can’t imagine my life without him in it.
Together we formed a family. Four beautiful and unique children, all adults with their own families. While our daily parenting duties are officially over, we love and support our children’s family lives now. They have blessed us with 7 awesome grandchildren, who are the absolute delight (and dessert!) of our lives.
He is a wonderful “Papa” to our grandchildren, who all love him very much. He has spent his life providing for our family and continues that support with our grandchildren. He is the rock of this family and we all love him very much.
Forty more!
I cannot believe it has been forty years! Happy Anniversary, my love and here’s to forty more! That’s the specialness of my amazing grace filled life today…..God has truly blessed me with this wonderful man!

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!