I know I haven’t posted for a long time, and I do have some reasons/excuses for that. However, those reasons are the very thing I should be blogging about—aging issues for us baby boomers. So here is the first blog from my “new old age”!
I turned 65 over a month ago, and it was kind of a wake-up call in many ways. I can tell you I am very tired (not re-tired yet)! Rory and I finally decided to down-size and sell our home of 28 years. I will admit I went kicking and screaming into this journey but am on board with getting it over with. Our new home is exactly that—brand new, customized for us, maintenance free compared to this one and one-story to accommodate my aging knees.
So why am I so tired? Well, we decided that in order to buy a new house and put some extra in our retirement account, we needed to “fix up” our family home. So we have been in the remodel/ cleaning, sorting and throwing out mode for 8 weeks, and we are both exhausted. Did it help? Yep, we sold our house in ONE DAY! For full asking price yet. We just can’t stop completely yet, because the new buyers wanted a few things done and of course, Rory is going to make sure they are done well. I can’t blame him—the new family is a young couple with children and another on the way. Just what we hoped for.
So we are now finishing up the fixes, still packing and storing (more on that in a future blog) and still exhausted. I have lots of other things that have happened in the last year or so to blog, so stay tuned!
Tired but happy in my amazing grace filled life!