I’m really not an old fogey, but sometimes the changes that have happened in my lifetime are so incredible! I’m sure most of you can relate—below are 5 words/phrases that didn’t exist 20 years ago. Now, we all use these every day.
Do you remember the days before these became commonplace?
Let’s Google that.
I don’t think there is anything the internet has brought us that begins to compare to this. Finding something out, whether for school or just as a point of interest, usually involved the library. Which meant card files, microfilm machines and books or magazines. Research was waaayyy harder when we were kids! Now all the information of the world is at our fingertips.
I love Google—let me count the “whys”:
- In any conversation, the deciding factor of an argument can be found by Googling it. Who wrote that song? Who is that movie about? When did McDonald’s begin? All the answers right there on Google. What is surreal is that as you begin to type your question, it pops up—because someone else has already asked it!
- Google maps. Need I say more? We can not only find out where we are, but we can also ask Google where the nearest gas station or Starbuck’s is. Plus get directions to it. Also get information on traffic conditions on the way.
- Google images—I love this feature because there are a gazillion images of almost everything and everyone on there. I can see what all the other Cheri Woolsey’s’ look like. ?
- Speaking of images, do you know you can even take a picture and upload it to Google and ask what it is and Google will give you the answer (or at least a good guess)? Mind. Blown.
- Don’t tell anyone, but Google knows when it is my birthday and makes their logo “party” friendly just for me. What? They do this for everyone?! Well, that’s the magic of Google.
As you can tell, I am a BIG fan of Google! I have also been known to indulge in the following:
Binge Watching
Back in the days of 3 channel television, this was unheard of. But even 20 years ago, we didn’t have the technology to record live tv and play it back. Not to mention the availability of all seasons of a show and any movie you can think of being available On Demand.
Today, with the advent of Hulu, Netflix and cable, it is possible to watch an entire season of a show in one sitting—hence the term binge watching. Four years after the hit tv show “24” started, my husband and I finally watched the first episode during the boring summer lull in new shows. One entire weekend was dedicated to watching all four seasons—we would even wake up in the middle of the night and go watch 1 or 2 more episodes!
Warning: once you have binge watched a show to the current timeframe, it takes forever for each week’s new episode to come out. This can cause immense frustration due to delayed gratification. ?
Once you have binged your way through all the dramas and sitcoms, you will probably turn to the Food Channel. Indeed, all channels now carry competitive cooking shows that are highly rated and fun to watch.
Between the excitement of the cooking shows and the general heightened interest in our society for healthy food, we have become a nation of foodies.
What is a foodie? According to Wikipedia:
“A foodie is a person who has an ardent or refined interest in food and alcoholic beverages. A foodie seeks new food experiences as a hobby rather than simply eating out of convenience or hunger.”
Foodies tend towards gourmet food, although there are a lot of farm to table comfort foods in this category. One show’s point of view is diners and burger joints.
The whole point of this trend is that food has become an art form unto itself. Gone are the days of boxed/canned dinners and comfort food comas. Eat to live is the new motto, not live to eat….
Text me that Selfie
Smart phones themselves deserve an entire blog about them, but these two terms are so common today that I am separating them out from the billion and one other things you can do with your cell phone these days.
Texting is the new email/voicemail/conversation. I personally love to text because it is quick, I am not calling and interrupting someone’s day, and they can text back when they are free. My children and I text regularly and it is very useful when used properly. We particularly love to share photos—I am a huge fan of my grandchildren and love to see their pictures!
However, texting has its downsides:
- Sexting—never ok—NEVER! We really need to teach our young children/teens this before it destroys their lives.
- Gossiping—no one wants to be talked about, even in a text.
- Body shaming and bullying. No need to say more.
- Texting while in the presence of someone else who you are supposed to be talking to. Just plain rude.
Selfies are pictures of yourself (and maybe others) taken by yourself. I am a terrible selfie taker—I just can never get a good angle and then when I do—I can’t figure out how to take the picture without moving! I’m very jealous of those who take great selfies.
So, there you have a few words that are new to our culture, but so ingrained now that we forget they didn’t always exist. Can you name a few others? Are these familiar to your world and if so, how do you relate to them? Please share with us in the comments!
Technologically awed in my amazing grace filled life!