I know 63 is the new 43, right? I know I am not “old”, at least not in my mind! However, the pace of life these days, the ages of my “children” and this damn Rheumatoid Arthritis have really slowed me down. I am seriously working on getting healthier, but this all started me thinking about what is on my “bucket list”. I’m not a fan of these lists, but I can tell you of a few things I have always wanted to do or see, so here we go!
1. See the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis. I really plan on doing this some time soon. Maybe if we take another Alaska cruise this year, I will get to see them. The mystical element and sheer beauty draws me in.
The lights are electrically charged particles from the sun entering our atmosphere near the magnetic poles (yes, there are lights at the South Pole as well!). The best places and conditions are clear, cold and north as much as possible. In Alaska, that would be Fairbanks, Anchorage, Denali. You can also see them at the next two places on my list!
2. Visits the fjords in Norway. Maybe it’s the Norwegian in me. I’m ¼ Norwegian—my paternal grandmother’s maiden name was Algunda Kittlestved. Fjords are formed by retreating glaciers and can be up to 4,000 feet deep with sides that are almost as tall!
When we take Alaskan cruise ships, I make sure we take one that is visiting the Tracy Arm Fjord—I tell you, it stirs my soul to gaze on the tall cliffs and clear water! The Tracy Arm calls to me and has a special little clearing where I could build a cabin….
I understand that visiting the northern remote islands of Norway will bring you face to face with the Northern Lights—bonus!
3. As my Norwegian soul stirs with fjords, my English/Scottish side loves the bagpipes, the rocky crags of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and northern England. I receive this heritage from both my mother and father’s sides of the family. My dad’s family history has traced back to the Mayflower (which I have seen, thank you very much!).
The northernmost reaches of Scotland also offer views of the Northern Lights. Are you picking up on a theme here? A huge bonus would be to come face to face to with William Wallace, lol.
4. Raft the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. This one is a little scary, but sounds like so much fun. Have you seen the Grand Canyon? Because if you haven’t, you really should. There is no way to describe how huge it is—you just have to see it. Incredibly awesome.
Just because I want to raft it, doesn’t mean I have any plans for walking down that huge cliff! No, I will find a trip that starts and ends outside the canyon….
5. Where I will continue with the last thing on my bucket list—a road trip across America. Love it! Route 66, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore and the giant ball of string somewhere in the Midwest! Getting off the freeways and taking the back roads and highways through small towns and beautiful places.
Rory and I are planning on having some RV trips to many of these US destinations, along with hiking and just enjoying time together. After all, that’s what our retirement is all about.
While many of my friends travel to Europe and Africa and even South America; I think the good old US of A is number one priority.
What’s on your bucket list?
With gratitude from my amazing grace filled life.