This is my new wallet, chosen not because I needed a new wallet, but because I loved that it said “Choose Happy!” It immediately made me think of my very favorite quote by one of my favorite presidents–Abraham Lincoln. He said that most people were as happy as they made up their minds to be. Considering that he reportedly suffered from depression most of his adult life, this sounds like a strange quote. However, President Lincoln also loved people and the give and take of life, so he kept his White House open to all. He was a special man and a great leader.
My husband likes to talk about the “gap” between stimulus and response. The gap is the time you have to reflect and react in a situation–how you choose to react–rather than just giving in to your first impulse.What makes us different from animals is this ability to choose our thoughts and actions. So here are five ideas for choosing happiness.
Pay Attention
Look beyond yourself and where you are…..
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