We are creatures of habit. What we do over and over each day become habits and habits become our life. Sometimes without us noticing. Just today I heard a wise man say that it is not so necessary to try to change or eliminate bad habits. That just focuses on them and gives them more strength in our life. His advice is to create new good habits—enough of them to crowd out the old. Here are three habits I find make my life better.
Make Your Bed Every Day
I know, you are all sighing and saying, “come on!” to this one. Hear me out. Every morning I get out of bed, turn around and immediately make that bed. I then have a clean and neat place to set out my clothing for the day. Clothing that, by the way, was hung up/put away. With a neatly made bed in the room, clothing strewn around or sitting in baskets just isn’t attractive.
There, my first accomplishment of the day—done! Makes it easier to start working on the rest of my list. Making my bed starts my day off with some organization and neatness. That clears my mind to focus on the rest of my day. Bring on the emails, lists and meetings.
A side benefit comes at night, when I can pull the covers back and see smoothed sheets and pillows. Nothing feels as good—except, of course, when I have put clean sheets on the bed! That is heaven day in our house.
Say Thank You
When was the last time you told a total stranger thank you? You know, the clerk in the store—the one who went out of his way to help you find exactly the paint color you were looking for? The customer service person on the end of the phone call? Who helped you get your computer/TV/iPad working again? Reaching out to another human being and offering thanks for a job well done (or even for a kindness offered out of the blue) can be so rewarding. Our lives seem so busy that often we forget to acknowledge another’s actions in a positive way.
Our society has unfortunately, lost some of the politeness and gentility we used to have. As someone who works with people all day, I can tell you of two types of people who have it down right. Those who are from the South and/or Texas; not only is their accent charming, so are they. Please, Maam, Sir—all words that they sprinkle throughout each conversation. Also, those who serve or served in the military. Coming from a military family, I can attest to the protocol of politeness and respect that is learned in that profession.
When you offer thanks in person, make eye contact and smile. Try to say exactly what their action meant to you. Be specific and kind and effusive, if you would like! Watch their face light up—I guarantee they will carry this moment with them., and it will make their day brighter.
Thanking someone over the phone: when they ask if there is anything else they can do for you—say yes! Then proceed to let them know that they deserve a pat on the back for their service. If you want, ask to speak with their supervisor and let them know how great they were. (A good idea in person, as well—I have done this before, and managers like to know how their staff is doing.)
Speak It
This is my favorite, and I try to do this every day at least a couple of times. Here’s some examples of what I mean:
- You are in a long line at the grocery store and you notice the children in line with their mom in front of you are behaving very nicely. Compliment not only the mom on their behavior, but let the children know how great they are! Positive reinforcement…
- The harried coffee stand clerk is wearing a sweater that brings out her blue eyes in an incredible way. Tell her! I make a habit of telling people with beautiful eyes that I love how gorgeous they are. They always appreciate it.
- Once we were on a cruise ship elevator with a quite elderly lady wearing the most shockingly orange jumpsuit I have ever seen. It was obvious she loved it and since she was rocking it, I told her she looked fabulous in it—wish I could have bottled that smile!
So, speak it when you think it. Admiring someone’s dress or haircut? Tell them. Love the attitude a child or young person is showing? Tell them. Were you moved by the music at church? Tell the music minister—now! Everyone appreciates unexpected favorable reviews in their day—everyone. Add some new habits to crowd out the old ones—you’ll see a difference, I promise.
I think you are all rock stars in my universe for reading my blog!
That’s the positive speak from my amazing grace filled life!